
Get Broadcast Stats Summary

Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/getBroadcastStatsSummary/{schedule_id}


Parameter Type Required Description
schedule_id int Yes Schedule id of schedule to get stats summary

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
status JSON Success or Error
result JSON Result of the operation
response JSON Output of the operation

Example Request (CURL)


// Authentication
$api_token	=	'API_KEY'; // Mumara API Key (can be found in Settings -> API Key)
$domain		=	''; // Your Mumara Domain Name

// API Endpoint
$endpoint	=	'/api/getBroadcastStatsSummary/';

//Schedule id
$schedule_id = 195;

// Defining cURL Request
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$domain.$endpoint.$schedule_id.'?api_token='.$api_token);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

// Executing cURL
$output = curl_exec ($ch);

// Printing Output
echo "<pre>";

// Closing cURL
curl_close ($ch);



Example Response (JSON)

    "status": "success",
    "result": {
        "campaign_name": "testing",
        "sent_by": 2,
        "contact_list": "Active List",
        "campaign_list": "Testing Dynamic Tag",
        "sending_node": "Admin Zone1",
        "time_start": "Nov 03, 2020 05:58:52 PM",
        "time_finished": "Nov 03, 2020 06:03:13 PM",
        "status": "complete",
        "total_contacts": 4,
        "sent": 4,
        "opened": "25 %",
        "clicked": "0 %",
        "ctr": "0 %",
        "bounced": "0 %",
        "unsubscribed": "25 %",
        "threads": 5,
        "track_opens": "Yes",
        "track_clicks": "Yes",
        "unsubscribe_link": "Yes",
        "hourly_speed": "N/A",
        "scheduled_by": "[email protected] on Nov 03, 2020 05:58:52 PM"
Status value of the success response will be "Success".

Example Error Response (JSON)

    "status": "error",
    "result": "Broadcast Stats do not exist"

Possible Errors

  • Broadcast Stats do not exist
  • Access Denied
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