
Get FBL Accounts

Method: GET
Endpoint: /api/getFBLAccounts


Parameter Type Required Description
id int No FBL Account id which account you want to get
limit_start int (default: 0) No Starting row of result. Default: 0
limit_count int (default: 25) No Number of records to get. Default: 25

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
status JSON Success or Error
result JSON Result of the operation
response JSON Output of the operation

Example Request (CURL)


// Authentication
$api_token	=	'API_KEY'; // Mumara API Key (can be found in Settings -> API Key)
$domain		=	''; // Your Mumara Domain Name

// API Endpoint
$endpoint	=	'/api/getFBLAccounts';

$data = array (
    'limit_start'	=> '1',
    'limit_count'	=> '2'

$params = '';
foreach($data as $key=>$value)
    $params .= $key.'='.$value.'&';
$params = trim($params, '&');

// Defining cURL Request
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$domain.$endpoint.'?'.$params);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
    array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $api_token));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

// Executing cURL
$output = curl_exec ($ch);

// Printing Output
echo "<pre>";
echo json_encode(json_decode($output),JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );

// Closing cURL
curl_close ($ch);



Example Response (JSON)

    "status": "success",
    "result": [
            "id": 13,
            "name": "[email protected]",
            "host": "",
            "port": 110,
            "username": "[email protected]",
            "password": "eyJpdiI6InBBSU80MHNjYWRJYnRvUXVtcG10VWc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiOWc0d1ZqZitNTytYQmRWYjUrVFwvdFEya1l0cnpVNW11b3BadWVKOTdGRHM9IiwibWFjIjoiNjI2YzYxOWQ0MWMzOGNkZTJlNTI4NzRmMjUwYWU4N2JhYzFjMDExNWRkMGI2ZDRjZmE1YTgyZTYzNDQwZjY3NyJ9",
            "folder": "INBOX",
            "validate_certificates": 1,
            "fbl_encryption": null,
            "delete_emails": 0,
            "processing_protocols": "pop",
            "user_id": 2,
            "complaints": 5,
            "status": "inactive",
            "error": "Connectivity Error",
            "created_at": "2020-08-05 14:35:47",
            "updated_at": "2020-10-02 15:01:13"
            "id": 14,
            "name": "[email protected]",
            "host": "",
            "port": 110,
            "username": "[email protected]",
            "password": "eyJpdiI6IjFxUmN5a0I0UWNTdEk1b3NpTk9tbFE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoieEtxd3N5Z2hZQTl0UnR3UCtLalwvV05IckVKRmhqU1pzY1FuQ0dObEhOYVk9IiwibWFjIjoiNDA4NGFlNjBlMGU2N2M2MmZlYmE2MDhjOGFkNjUyNmE4YmZjOWI0MGI5ZmMxMmRlMWU0MGFhZjViNmNlNTllNyJ9",
            "folder": "INBOX",
            "validate_certificates": 0,
            "fbl_encryption": null,
            "delete_emails": 0,
            "processing_protocols": "pop",
            "user_id": 2,
            "complaints": 0,
            "status": "active",
            "error": "Connectivity Error",
            "created_at": "2020-08-27 14:38:11",
            "updated_at": "2020-10-12 12:00:34"
Status value of the success response will be "Success"

Example Error Response (JSON)

    "status": "error",
    "result": "Error: FBL Account does not exist."

Possible Errors

  • FBL Account does not exist.
  • Access Denied
Try it out